Hollis Memorial Post - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Memorial Stones on the Town Common, Memorial Park and the Hollis-Brookline High School.


            Hollis has a proud heritage of providing for our nation's freedom.  The "War of the Rebellion" found many of Hollis' citizens sacrificing their lives for our country.  The large granite monument on our town common was built in 1872 and memorializes our soldiers who died in the Revolution and the War of 1812. 

             Remember the ultimate sacrifice given by James Fisk, Jeremiah Shattuck, Nathan Blood, Jacob Boynton, Thomas Colburn, Isaac Hobart, Phineas Nevins, Peter Poor, Thomas Wheat, Ebenezer Youngman, Caleb Eastman, Josiah Blood, Minot Farmer, William Nevins, Ezra Proctor, Isaac Shattuck, Samuel Leeman Jr., Ebenzer Cummings, Lebbeus Wheeler, John Conroy, Daniel Blood, Francis G Powers, William Lovejoy and Isaac Hardy.

             The John W Worcester Post of the Grand Old Army was organized April 1, 1875.  The officers of the post were Captain John A Coburn (Commander), Francis Lovejoy (Senior Vice Commander), Charles H Worcester (Junior Vice Commander) and Daniel W Hayden (Adjutant).

             The Hollis town meeting of March 1872 raised funds for the erection of the large monument on the East side of the common, facing town hall, which lists those who died in the Civil War between 1861 and 1865.  We give a special thanks to 1st Lt. John H Worcester, 1st Lt. Charles H Farley, Corp. Webster D Colburn, Corp. Norman R Howe, Corp. John W Hayden, Henry Ball, John P Bills, Joseph E Buss, Charles H Fletcher,  Harvey M Hall,  Johathan B Hobart,  Perley J Jewett,  James WD Jones,  Hiram R Kendall,  Joseph Thurstin Patch,  John C Smith, Sylvester T Wheeler, and Nathanial H Wright.

             Again, in World War One Hollis sent young men to answer the call.  A plaque on the front wall of our town Library until 2004 when it was moved to Memorial park lists Theodore H Guething, Victor J Nartoff and Elwyn S Wheeler who gave their lives in that war and we remember them today.

            It wasn't long before Hollis was called on again to send its young men to fight in World War Two and we remember them with a large stone in Memorial Park.  A maple tree and bronze plaque for each of our 8 sons were planted and remained there for over 50 years.  In 2004 these plaques were placed around the memorial stone which helps us remember Earl F. Bamford, Warren F Bartram, Albert A Charret, Frances R Dudley, Elliot R Lund, Donald C Petry, Grosvenor W Rice and David Rood who gave their lives for our freedom.

             Many from Hollis again rose to the need and sent fighting men and women to Korea and Vietnam during those devastating times. Armand Deschenes gave his life in Korea and is memorialized on the Korea/Vietnam Memorial also in Memorial Park.

             Hollis lost a son in Lebanon in 1983 when Staff Sergeant Allen Soifert lost his life in combat. We honor Alan’s sacrifice with a memorial plaque under the flag pole at our High School.

 Hollis continues to send it’s men and women into combat wherever they are needed. We all remember that; many gave some, but some gave all.


Hollis Lost many sons to war!

Surname Given Name Date of Death Yr of Death Place of Death
Farmer Minot      
Blood Nathan June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Boynton Jacob June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Colburn Thomas June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Eastman Caleb June 19 1775  
Fisk James May 29 1775 Cambridge, Mass
Hobard Isaac June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Nevins Phineas June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Poor Peter June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Shattuck Jeremiah May 29 1775 Cambridge, Mass
Wheat Thomas June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Youngman Ebenezer June 17 1775 Bunker Hill
Blood Josiah September 1776  
Nevins William   1776  
Proctor Ezra May 15 1776  
Shattuck Isaac   1776  
Leeman Samuel, Jr October 1777  
Blood Daniel November 28 1778  
Conroy John September 1778  
Cumings Ebenezer   1778  
Wheeler Lebbeus July 10 1778  
Powers Francis G   1780  
Ball Henry June 26 1862 Beaufort, S.C.
Colburn Daniel W February 28 1862 Hollis
Fletcher Charles H August 10 1862 Beaufort, S.C.
Hayden John W February 8 1862 New York City
Howe Norman R August 15 1862 Beaufort, S.C.
Jones James W D October 26 1862 Camp Kearney, La
Wright Nathaniel H November 27 1862 St Augustine, Fl
Bills John P July 18 1863 Fort Wagner
Hobart Jonathan B August 23 1863 Morris Island, S.C.
Jewett Perley J December 3 1863 Morris Island, S.C.
Patch Joseph T July 18 1863 Nashua, NH
Smith John C August 10 1863 Hollis, NH
Worcester John W July 26 1863 Fort Wagner
Buss Joseph October 13 1864 Fort Munroe, Va
Farley Charles H February 20 1864 Olustee, Fl
Hall Harvey M September 1 1864 Washington, DC
Kendall Hiram R November 3 1864 Natchez, Ms
Conant Andrew H October 10 1865 Natchez, Ms
Geuthing Theodore H   WWI  
Nartoff Victor J   WWI  
Wheeler Elwyn S   WWI  
Bamford Earl F   WWII  
Bartram Warren F   WWII  
Charret Albert A   WWII  
Dudley Frances R   WWII  
Lund Elliot R   WWII  
Petry Donald C   WWII  
Rice Grosvenor   WWII  
Rood Davie   WWII  
Deschenes Armand   Korea Korea
Soifert Allen   1983 Lebanon


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